No-shows are an expense to individual service providers and small businesses.
I’d like to provide a little perspective regarding no-shows, and the impact on appointment based small businesses. I have been a service provider working for other businesses, and I’m now an owner of a business that provides jobs to other service providers. I’ve experienced no-shows from both sides of that coin.
ABMP Respect Massage/Zero Tolerance Mission
We are so thankful for ABMP’s new RESPECT MASSAGE initiative. Using their logo means that we state loud and proud that we do not tolerate sexual misconduct.
Protocols for Appointments during COVID-19
We have a number of clients who are at-risk or who live with someone who is at-risk for COVID-19. For this reason, we are enforcing the following protocols for all clientele, without exception…
An Open Letter to the Board of Massage Therapy
As a massage therapist, I feel left out of the conversation regarding COVID-19 among our local and state government officials. I feel this because I see industries similar to ours - chiropractors, hair salons, nail salons, PTs, and others…